The BRUGGGORE Horror Double Fearture Lunch Cinema Extravaganza, BHDFLCE for short, is celebrating an anniversary! The 22nd edition is coming up and the first 22nd bookings will receive an anniversary gift!
Alien parasites that nest in people. Some kind of friendly. The others are pretty mean. There is talk of BRAIN DAMAGE and NIGHT OF THE CREEPS. And that's right from the first highlight in the new Double Fearture year 2024!
Make the start BRAIN DAMAGE. A foreign parasite nests itself here and makes the innocent protagonist make human sacrifices. Also “known” in this country as ELMER — the delightfully endearing, delightful bloodthirsty parasite.
NIGHT OF THE CREEPS He was one of my first — at six or seven. It was my cousin's fault. The super nasty, crawling alien snails have haunted and disturbed me for years. Until I've seen the whole movie. Night of the Creeps has everything an 80s horror comedy needs and honestly — without the film, Slither would certainly never have existed. A must see. On big screen. If you don't want to, you can get alien snails planted!
12:00 Brain Damage (1988, E/d), 14:15 Night of the Creeps (theatrical cut, 1986, E/d)
Samstag 27.01.2024
Cinema Excelsior, Brugg