When Batman and Robin meet the Toxic Avenger, it could easily be the most insane superhero special of all time. At least that's what we say. And who wants to stop us? Batman maybe? With an anti-fake news bat spray? Let him try it!

BATMAN (1966) It's a masterpiece. Even more than 55 years after its first publication. You have to celebrate that — and not take everything completely seriously. Except the anti-shark bat spray, of course.

From Troma and the heads of Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz THE TOXIC AVENGER. The first superhero from New Jersey. You either hate Troma or you love Troma. No matter which group you belong to: you have to be part of it!

Batman (1966) is shown in German (the synchro is unbeatable!). The Toxic Avenger in original English with German subtitles.


12:00 Batman hält die Welt in Atem (1966), 14:15 the Toxic Avenger (1984)


Samstag 28.01.2023, 11:00 Uhr


Cinema Excelsior, Brugg